Tool to detect and clean unused CSS

Our tool helps to detect and remove unused CSS. You can then download the optimized CSS file. Before using this tool please make a backup of your CSS file (usially it's - style.css), and then paste a text from that file to a field Text CSS before.

Text CSS before (text from current CSS file):

Then get a list of unused CSS.
1. To get a list of unused CSS please open a Google Chrome browser and press F12. Then click AuditsReload Page and Audit on LoadRun → open Web Page Performance → open Remove unused CSS rules → open your CSS file name → copy to a clipboard all names of a style which was appear.
2. Paste text from a clipboard into a field All unused styles.
3. Open a next page of your site and do a step 1 again.
4. Paste text from a clipboard into a field Unused styles on a current page. Press a Refresh unused styles with data from a current page button.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 several times (as much as posible :)).

Unused styles:

When you got a list of unused CSS please press a Clean unused CSS button.

Text CSS after:

After you remove unused CSS please copy text from a Text CSS after field into your CSS file. Hope our tool helps you!

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